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«AgroInvest» — Services

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“Agrarian Sector of Ukraine” Report Quarterly report $750* p.a
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Research, analytical services Details vary on the specific assignment / project basis Purchase Now Not available
Calculators Calculator of marginal revenue per hectare from growing six crops (wheat, corn, barley, rape, soy, and sunflower) in Ukraine Free of charge
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  1. Quarterly reports “Agrarian Sector of Ukraine” include latest key performance indicators of leading market participants, analysis of these indicators and expert conclusions. Analytical reports contain additional market, economy and company news and are issued on quarterly basis. The data provided will give you basic understanding of the investment potential within the market, enabling you to set expectations for further engagement with it participants. Financial forecasts within the reports are based on years of research conducted by UkrAgroConsult experts. Analysis and presentation of operational results of the sector with comments regarding current market situation are included in the reports as well.
  2. Research, analytical services – highly focused client-oriented services, including research projects, documentation support, IPO advisory services, business planning, chain value modeling, and other ranged types of support, on an individual client basis;
  3. Calculators - grain market participants (producers and traders) will be able to forecast returns from growing certain crops. The marginal revenue calculation takes into account costs of key inputs: seeds, fertilizers, fuels, herbicides, pesticides, use of machinery, land lease, yield, wages, and projected selling price. It deals with two farming types: extensive and intensive ones.